Thursday, November 22, 2012

Former rapper and member of Tupac's rap group the Outlawz accepted Islam

Former rapper and member of Tupac's rap group the Outlawz accepted Islam!! WHY!!?
Mutah Wassin Shabazz Beale (born October 11, 1977), better known as Napoleon, is a former member of Tupac Shakur's rap group the Outlawz. Beale has since converted to Islam and is now a motivational speaker.Beale considers hip hop and Islam to be incompatible, because"they basically call for two different things" and that even if the song's message is positive, "if it is not according to the Sunnah (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad,PBUH then it is unacceptable"Napolean attended Father Mercredi Catholic School to speak about his life and when he became a Muslim. This took place in Fort McMurray, Alberta on May 26, 2010.

